How to Run an Effective and Eye-Catching Real Estate Online Marketing Campaign?

Studies have shown that 92% of buyers use the internet to look for potential homes. As a real estate agent, you are the key in the home buying process, but most buyers do their research even before seeking out help from the experts. So if you are not active and engaging as a real estate agent, you are missing out.


Don’t fret! Here are some real estate marketing ideas that will help you win the marketing game in the real estate industry.


Effective Real Estate Marketing Ideas for Your Website


  1. Make sure you will have an impressive homepage.


People tend to judge the credibility of a business through its website design. First impressions matter, so your homepage should have a professional look where clients would feel comfortable doing business with you.


  1. Hire a photographer.


You must have good photos of the properties you sell. Hire a photographer who is an expert in architectural photography so they can capture the properties at their best angle. 


  1. Provide a friendly user experience on your website.


Make sure that clients can easily navigate through your website. Make it a good experience for them as this is one of the initial processes of finding a new home!


  1. Do your SEO.


A strong website is nothing if clients can’t find them! Make sure to do your SEO because this is a set of practices that work together for your site to rank high in search engines. 



Eye-catching Real Estate Marketing Ideas for Social Media 

  1. Set up your social media page. Put yourself out there!

The best social media platforms for real estate agents are Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. When you create your accounts, ensure you have all the necessary details so relevant users will find you.


  1. Include the right and necessary hashtags.


 You should use hashtags relevant to your audience. Make sure to do research for the right hashtags! This will help users find you.


  1. Be useful and provide something that your audience can learn.


Create content not just about the properties you need to sell. You can provide tutorials, tips, etc., that are necessary and helpful to potential home buyers and even former clients. This establishes and maintains a good relationship between you, your audience, and your clients. 


  1. Add share buttons.


Make your posts shareable! Homebuyers are keen to share their top picks with friends and family. 


  1. Get your post boosted. Run an ad.


You can reach targeted audiences by running a social media ad. Social media ads can help you a great deal in landing many potential clients. 


Engaging Real Estate Marketing Ideas for Email Marketing


  1. Send out newsletters.


Send out a weekly or monthly newsletter with new listings, your upcoming seminars, house tips, and more. 


  1. Start an email nurture campaign.


Deliver contents that will help your clients take the next necessary step in their house-hunting journey no matter where they are. 


Other Helpful and Practical Real-Estate Marketing Ideas

Let your marketing campaigns be playful and engaging.

Just because we are in the real estate industry doesn’t mean we can’t be as fun, playful, and engaging towards our audience! Make your copy interesting! People will tend to engage with you, making them feel more comfortable having conversations or getting involved with you on social media.


Consider making animated videos.

Outsource some quality animated videos for real estate marketing. Hire a video editor. High-quality cartoons will help establish your brand and give it a touch of personality. Features local landmarks or places in your video to make it more focused on your target audiences. 

Market with necessary emotion.

Emotions invoke behaviors. It doesn’t need to be too emotional! Just something with a personal touch can do the trick!


Be seasonal! Be aware of the yearly or monthly events around you.


There are social awareness themes and national holidays every month of the year! Don’t miss it out, as this inspires you with tons of creative marketing ideas.

Be on Zillow!

Zillow is the yelp of real estate marketing, and you must be there if you want to be discovered. Zillow is a platform that allows you to advertise as a real estate agent on their website! It may be costly, but Zillow plays a vital role in home buying.


Ask your former clients for reviews!

Reviews or testimonials play a vital role in building trust between you and your potential client. Put these on your social media, website, or every platform you have! Seeing real and live people advertising your services would mean a lot to them. 


Marketing is another thing that plays a vital role in the real estate industry. As a real estate agent, it’s time to level up your marketing strategies and establish a good relationship with your potential clients and your online platform audiences. These things will help you soar high in this career!