Open House Ideas That Will Actually Generate Leads

Many agencies have already given up on holding open homes. They will instead spend thousands on web advertisements after being persuaded by a cynical colleague that open houses “don’t work anymore.”

Instead, apply these clever open house suggestions, and watch as your customer relationship manager fills up with leads that are perfect for your nurturing campaign.

Build Your Personal Brand by Using Your Open House Marketing

One of the hardest lessons for new agents is that whatever they publish online builds their branding. Therefore, you must treat your marketing seriously, even for open houses, if you want to create a brand that endures.

 Broadcast Live on Facebook During Open House

What better moment than when it’s busy to broadcast and record a video walk-through of your listing? People are social creatures, so keep that in mind.

Utilize QR Codes Wisely

Include a QR code that leads to your website, a video of the house, or even a video of the open house when promoting your open house via Facebook and Instagram advertisements, emails, or standard mailings. If you record the open house and many people walk through it, publish the video to your listing website and include a QR code in your advertising to point people to the video.

Make It a Win-Win by Hosting Other Agents’ Open Houses

Do you have any listings but are an expert in a certain area? Instead of fretting, ask! Inquire with the other real estate professionals in your area about holding open their listings.

Increase Traffic to Your Open House Immediately on Hyperlocal Social Networks

Although boosting posts on Facebook and Instagram can be effective, you are still paying to reach potential customers who may be hundreds of miles away. Great for brand recognition, but terrible for bringing customers in the door.

Using Nextdoor, you can covertly target people who reside close to your listing. Even better, rather than debating politics or watching adorable kitten videos, individuals use Nextdoor to discuss local issues. They have one of the most active local online communities right now.

There is no long-term commitment, and the advertising alternatives on Nextdoor are reasonably priced. Get in immediately before the rest of your farm’s community learns about it.

Offer to Show Visitors Around the Neighborhood

An offer to go above and beyond can occasionally be all it takes to wow your open house guests. They will be impressed by how seriously you take customer service, even if few people decide to take you up on it.

Instagram Stories: Promote Your Open House Video Walk-through

Do you frequently use Instagram? Why not advertise your open house and Facebook Live Stream using Instagram stories? Additionally, you can promote a Facebook Live Stream for an open house using Instagram and stories.

Employ a Photographer to Capture Buyer’s Agents and Visitors

If you want a real estate agent to like you, hire a photographer to capture them in action at your open house. What agent wouldn’t want to post more photos on social media? Your listing presentation will look fantastic, with guests having a good time.

Take Advantage of Your Follow-Up Window

Don’t pass up the opportunity to maintain a buyer’s interest after everyone has left because you worked hard to publicize your open house and were a rock star throughout the event.

The day after the open house, knowledgeable agents contact the visitors. Everyone they got along with got a call or a text, and the remainder was added to an open house email drip in their customer relationship manager.