7 Habits of High-Performing Real Estate Agents


You’ll never stop seeking new ways to be better if you enjoy what you do. If you want to be the best, you can’t just “go through the motions” and do things the same way every time. As a real estate agent, you need to develop these seven habits to help you become successful in your real estate journey.


You will see some positive changes if you use these habits and recommendations in your own business.


Make an Investment in Yourself and Your Business


This entails both time and money. When you’re driving, working, exercising, or performing mundane household chores like dishes or laundry, how much extra time do you waste?


You may be doing research or listening to audio podcasts instead. Every day, you can improve your abilities and knowledge by learning new things.


Read a business book that will broaden your horizons while remaining relevant to your profession. Business and customer relations books will benefit you more than real estate books because they will apply to other aspects of your life.


We keep emphasizing that learning more about your industry will help you become an expert in your profession. This will naturally set you apart from other agents in your area and specialization.


Other professionals may not be as aware or up to date on industry trends, norms, and standards as you are.


Know Your Areas or Neighborhood Inside and Out


If you’re asked a question regarding a street, you should respond with what’s on the market, what’s recently sold, and the neighborhood’s and market’s overall situation.


Prepare to come up with suggestions off the top of your head if someone proposes a specific neighborhood and area.


This is one of, if not the most important, aspects of owning your niche market. Anyone can look for houses in that area, but you must be familiar with the market.


Exercise Listing Presentations and Calls


Practice your listing presentation with a friend.


Record your meetings and phone calls and have someone listen to and comment on them.


Prepare a Strategy for Listing Presentations


A CMA, or Comparative Market Analysis, is the most common listing presentation used by realtors. To receive a listing, they compete on price.


To gain the listing, it’s not uncommon for an agent to name a higher price than they believe the home would sell for. Because of this, you are basing your listing on a CMA is problematic.


Before embarking on a listing appointment, assess the seller’s motive and then use a proven listing presentation to secure the listing.


You can explain how to remedy a problem, such as a fragile market, by demonstrating how to sell homes in a bad housing market, make an offer, and ask for the listing.


Inquire about the listing. This may seem self-evident, yet agents frequently avoid the question or wait for the seller to respond first.


It would be best if you did not wait for the prospect to decide whether or not to sell before closing. Finish the list with a simple question like:


“Can I begin marketing your home to my buyer list soon?”


“Can I inform my buyers and the other realtors in my office about your home when you’re ready?”


“May I photograph your home today?”


Also, don’t give up if the prospect responds, “I’ll think about it.”


Get them to commit if you’ve previously addressed most of their queries and they seem to be procrastinating.


Make the Most of Social Media


Conveying your life across various social media platforms is an essential component of your online presence.


You must let your consumers and prospects see your personal life and what you are all about. Don’t be afraid to share some personal information on your company website.


You’ll continually represent the brand you’re attempting to build up by how you reply to any requests, questions, or anything else online. It’s practically impossible to keep your personal and business lives separate in real estate.


Your social media sites heavily influence your online persona. Use this to help your business grow.


Establish a Morning Routine


When getting to work, every competent agent has a successful morning ritual.


The framework should carry over into the remainder of your day, and you should schedule your time as efficiently as possible.


What Do Your Customers Want?


“Know what your customers want most and what your company does best. Focus on where those two meet.”


-Kevin Start


Consider it similar to purchasing for a friend or acquaintance. The more you know about someone, the easier it is to get them something special.


Physical qualities are merely one factor to consider.


What are their fears and concerns? Money, security, mobility, social standing, or image?


It’s critical to understand their passions. Individuals transact business with other people. You can’t relate to a client or lead until you know their principles and ideals.